Duo Li (李多)

tuoxieman 'at' gmail 'dot' com

About me

I am currently working at Google Mountain View as a software engineer. My duty is to improve the quality/performance of Google Remarketing Ads by all means. Before that, I worked at Amazon as a software engineer/tech lead at social shopping/customer review team. Our team owns the complete lifecycle of customer review in Amazon.

I received my Msc. at the University of British Columbia, studying under the tutelage of Dinesh K. Pai as part of the Sensorimotor System Lab (SSL). I was working on some projects related to physically based simulation and biomechanics. Before I came to SSL I spent one year in the State Key Lab of Virtual Reality at Beihang University. I received my BEng. from Beijing Institute of Technology.

Research Projects

Thin Skin Elastodynamics

Duo Li, Shinjiro Sueda, Debanga Raj Neog, and Dinesh K. Pai

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2013)

Anatomically based Hand Simulation

Developed Strands++: a biomechinical engine

Modeling and simulating of the hand based on the above Strands++ engine

Course Projects

Automatic Augmented Wrinkling for Skinning

Course Project for Computer Graphics: Modeling (CPSC 524)

Extending [Rohmer 2010] to simulate the wrinkles of the skin

Learning to Jump with Muscles

Course Project for Computer Animation (CPSC 526)

Using CMA to teach the musculoskeletal systems to jump higher

Reinforcement Learning in Latent Space

Course Project for Machine Learning (CPSC 540)

Redeeming the 'curse of dimensionality' in Reinforcement learning with GPLVM

Mesh Processing Plugins for Meshlab

Course Project for Computer Graphics: Modeling (CPSC 524)

Mesh Subdivision, Simplification and Deformation

Some Previous Projects

Nolinear FEM based Cutting Simulation

Point-Based Real-Time Cutting & Deformation

Point-Based Two-Way Coupling of Fluid and Rigid Body

Some Previous Games


A 3D FPS game with a compact Engine

Tank Battle

A 3D FPS game based the above Survive Engine

XJOY Game Arena

An online casual game platform with several tiny games

Last Update: Dec. 2015